The Power of Trust to Succeed

The power of trust to succeedTrust is the most fundamental building block of any relationship whether in business, politics, marriage, family or friendships. In the real world, trust signifies different things to different people but it frequently boils down to one point: trust is essential to your success.

Once lost, rebuilding trust is one of the most difficult things to accomplish for the reason that the thought of the betrayal can forever haunt the aggrieved. Rebuilding trust is definitely tough, but it’s not something that can be ignored.

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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3 Effortless Mind Hacks: to give you an edge in life

3 effortless mind hacks

A little understanding of neuroscience can go a long way to making your own life easier and more fulfilling.

And this week’s podcast and article. I thought I should share a few mind hacks with you that are so effortless once you know them and they will give you a powerful edge in life.

These mind hacks are not deceitful or manipulative at all. They just take advantage of a little neuroscience understanding and they can have a positive impact on everyone you encounter.

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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How to be Accountable and See Your Success

Put your hand up if you trust you.

It’s easier to trust yourself when you have an accountability partner to help you keep you accountable.

Keep your hand up, if you can trust yourself always. That is, you never, ever let yourself down.

There are many areas in our lives where we may have a tendency, a temptation to not do something we promised ourselves, to give in when we know that we really should continue. Or perhaps that’s just me?

I’ve been going through this a lot recently.  Last year I had a heart attack. No warning. No symptoms, until that very morning.

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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It wasn’t a poor diet – I’m pretty good at my diet. Could have been better and I am now, but it wasn’t something of concern.

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Procrastination – A Tool for Life!

It seems to me if a tool is so widely used, there must be something to it. As a leadership caddy, procrastination is almost always the first thing my clients want to eliminate from their lives. As you will read, I advise them not to eliminate the very tool that is there to help them navigate the rough spots in life and business.

“If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.” Rita Mae Brown

Detour ahead

It’s time I think to do a little more brain hacking and think of procrastination as a detour in the road. The purpose of a detour is to give us a warning, help us avoid something unnavigable, or dangerous and provides a safer route. Detours usually take a little longer, they circumvent the problem, but in the end we arrive at our destination unscathed. In most cases you will discover that properly employed procrastination, like a detour, will give you an alternate route to the solution of the problem at hand.

A Tool for Life

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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What if procrastination was a good thing, and we stopped beating ourselves up about it and learned why we do it?

What if procrastination was a good thing, and we stopped beating ourselves up about it and learned why we do it?

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