How to Get Unstuck

How to Get UnstuckAll through life, Alex has always felt that other people, schoolmates, friends and later colleagues, seemed to have it easier. Dad was never quite satisfied. It was hard to live up to his standards. Aunts and Uncles always knew a cousin who was better, brighter, richer, faster.

Alex, like you and me, would like to earn more, be recognized and respected. To enjoy life and have fun. To simply succeed.

Is it really so difficult?

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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How to Bust Stress and Fears

How to Bust Stress and Fear

You know that stress is bad for you. Yet you endure it every day. Modern life is stressful. Whether it’s work, your boss, your spouse, your kids, your parents, driving or simply trying to fathom what to eat today. Your life is filled with stressors. So what can you do about it?

Imagine you are visiting a theme park

The best rides always have a long queue and you look with disdain at a group of ‘bullies’ who cut the line and push in front of you.

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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3 Fears that Undermine Your Authenticity

3 fears that undermine authenticityThere’s something not quite right.

Something just isn’t sitting well in your gut.

You can’t quite place it exactly, but there is something wrong between the words and something else.

Have you ever heard the adage that communication is only 7 percent verbal and 93 percent non-verbal? Well, much of it is a pernicious myth, but there is some truth in the idea of congruence between what you say and how you say it. And when we witness a lack of congruence (in our perception) it is often that ‘gut’ feel, that sense of unease that causes us to mistrust what we are hearing.

We’ve all hidden something about ourselves from others.

We’re all tempted to “spin” to protect ourselves from some vulnerability or difficult situation. Sure, I have plenty of hidden parts, thank you. My recent intimate relationship with death has led to a great deal of mind spring-cleaning. In so doing, I’ve come across three common fears that cause us to hide some of our authenticity: rejection, exposure and vulnerability.

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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6 Premortem Questions for the Perfect Presentation

Premortem the perfect presentationWelcome to this edition of the Leadership AdvantEdge Podcast and my purpose this week is to help you confidently make your next meeting or presentation perfect, and not be anxious about it.

To do that, today, I’m going to share with you how to do a premortem on your meeting or presentation by asking yourself six questions. On the show notes, I’ll share a PDF and a Word template that you can download and use to plan your next presentation or meeting premortem and make it perfect.

I have a secret to share with you. I have a fear of public speaking. Not because I don’t like to be the centre of attention, I love that. No, it’s because I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I want everything to be just so, well, perfect. And because of that, every time I have to speak in public, whether in a small group or a large auditorium, I get anxious. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot anxious. And I’m not alone.


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