Principles of Successful Tech Leadership


Principles of Successful Tech Leadership

Bridging the Gaps to Unity of Cohesion and Effort Between Tech Leadership and the Business

Dr John Kenworthy and Barbara Dossetter


The common ground is the frustrations with scope creep, budget specifications, programme management and poor leadership.

Unfortunately, this hasn’t changed in 40 years, and won’t change until both parties ante up to the bar properly. As the need for projects has exponentially increased, it’s seriously outrun our ability to field talented people to make this happen.

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How to Improve Team Performance

How to improve team performanceThis is a story of two leaders.

We worked with the organisation on team performance and leadership because one of their sales teams was “highly successful” and another was “doing poorly, with a very low morale”. The organisation wanted us to “find out what’s working in [the high-performing  team], fix the [low-performing team] and run a training programme for all the other sales teams to  be as good as [the high-performing team].”

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How to Let Go and Gain Control

Let go to gain control headerWhat helps distinguish leaders and managers is about control and, quite literally, how “hands-on” you are.

If you have ever learned to play the game of golf, the chances are that you grip the club tightly.

After all

this is basically holding onto a stick that you will swing through the air and hit a ball. Allowing the club to “follow-through’ – if you don’t hold on tight, the club might just go as far as the ball.

I appreciate that you may have never played golf, but you can liken this also

  • to the tight grip of the reins of a horse
  • to controlling your dog on a very short leash
  • to holding on tight to your child’s hand

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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How to be Accountable and See Your Success

Put your hand up if you trust you.

It’s easier to trust yourself when you have an accountability partner to help you keep you accountable.

Keep your hand up, if you can trust yourself always. That is, you never, ever let yourself down.

There are many areas in our lives where we may have a tendency, a temptation to not do something we promised ourselves, to give in when we know that we really should continue. Or perhaps that’s just me?

I’ve been going through this a lot recently.  Last year I had a heart attack. No warning. No symptoms, until that very morning.

emPowered by the Leadership AdvantEdge

Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

Right-click to Download the MP3 | Open Player in New Window

It wasn’t a poor diet – I’m pretty good at my diet. Could have been better and I am now, but it wasn’t something of concern.

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Sunday Drive Leadership

I’ve been prompted this week in my own development about setting goals rather than drifting along and hoping for the best and I wanted to share this with you.

A 1955 Austin Wolseley 4

A 1955 Austin Wolseley 4

When I was a very young kid, I remember that we had an old black Austin Wolseley. I remember the leather seats and the ‘horse’ in the back – which is where I would sit. My sister and brother to either side of me and mum and dad in the front.

On occasional Sunday’s when dad wasn’t preaching or we weren’t going to Grandma’s, we would be treated to a Sunday drive.

One particular time, we went to Redhill in Kent, southern England. This was long before the M25 motorway went past this particular spot and we parked the old Wolseley at the top of the hill, unloaded the picnic blanket and the basket of treats. Continue reading