Introducing the GAINMORE Advantage Model

GAINMORE is a new leadership, coaching and learning model. It combines interesting aspects of many different models to make a comprehensive, usable model for developing people and particularly, for developing self-leadership.

The origins of the model stem principally from three key areas of academic research, leadership models; coaching models and models of adult learning and development.

Why a new model?There’s a plethora of different approaches to leadership, to coaching and to learning so why do we need another? Well, essentially as I researched my doctoral thesis I noted that there was a lot of similarity between different authors, yet none that I considered were complete. Each one seemed to me to lack certain attributes or key considerations. Particularly in the field of leadership – each author focuses on one particular slant of the leadership debate and few provide any reliable ways in which to actually DO this thing called leadership. The majority have suggestions on how a leader should BE, but infrequently what you as an individual need to or even can DO about BEcoming this leader ideal.

In a similar way, Coaching models published suggest a nice logical progression through a series of steps of self-discovery, without offering solutions on real personal change. Combining the two, seemed to me, to be a logical and sensible step. To BEcome your ideal leader, you need to go through some deep self-discovery, find solutions that work for you whilst aiming to adopt the characteristics of great leaders. All well and good, but people learn and change in different ways – anecdotally this is an instinctive understanding – and many researchers have consistently demonstrated that people show different preferences for learning – whether they be visual, auditory, digital or kinaesthetic, or how they consceptualise, and of course, the deep realms of cognitive psychology.

Add to this the notion that people have different motivations and we start to discover the complexities of keeping a simple, straightforward model… or do we? Is there ONE way that this happens? I believe that there is – there is a simplicity to the process, not necessarily the underlying structure, but the way in which each and every individual can transform from the person they are now, to the person they want to become.


Thanks for visiting my blog site – the GainMore Advantage.

This is now my main blog site including musings and articles about leadership. personal development, life in Christ and generally about how you can gain more advantage in your life, business and golf.

It’s called the GainMore Advantage because the underlying model I created for personal development after years of research is the GAINMORE model. I’ll talk in a little while about why I created the model, and what’s different about it – suffice to say for the moment, that I felt that personal development and particularly books and articles on leadership lacked a cohesive and holistic approach that would work for anyone and everyone. I hope that you enjoy the blog, and feel free to comment – I welcome your input and any experience of putting the ideas into practice.

May this bless you as I have been blessed through and in my Lord Jesus.


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