How to Turn Procrastination into a Useful Tool for Life

It seems to me if a tool is so widely used, there must be something to it. As a leadership caddy, procrastination is almost always the first thing my clients want to eliminate from their lives. As you will read, I advise them not to eliminate the very tool that is there to help them navigate the rough spots in life and business.

“If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.” Rita Mae Brown

Detour ahead

It’s time I think to do a little more brain hacking and think of procrastination as a detour in the road. The purpose of a detour is to give us a warning, help us avoid something unnavigable, or dangerous and provides a safer route. Detours usually take a little longer, they circumvent the problem, but in the end we arrive at our destination unscathed. In most cases you will discover that properly employed procrastination, like a detour, will give you an alternate route to the solution of the problem at hand.

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How useful is empathy?

Even when we disagree, we can still empathise with the other person

Even when we disagree, we can still empathise with the other person

Are you brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities?

We’ve all heard how we need to be more empathetic with others, to truly understand what it is like to walk a mile in their shoes. But what is it and is it actually any use?


“the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.”

So what is empathy really and how is it different from sympathy?

Empathy means that we need to become vulnerable, which is probably why so few leaders dare exercise it… even at home. Rather than describe empathy versus sympathy, watch this excellent RSA short from a talk given by Dr Irene Browne: Continue reading