Finding Your Goldilocks Zone

A Life of passion and balanceGoldilocks is fast asleep when the bears return home.

She found her perfect bed, not too big and not too soft.

After eating her fill of the perfect porridge that wasnt too hot and wasn’t too sweet. Goldilocks had tested the beds upstairs and fell into a deep sleep.

The three bears were none too pleased with this breach of neighbourly etiquette and devour Goldilocks.

  • Or, the Goldilocks jumps out of a window and is never seen again.
  • Or Goldilocks explains how hungry and tired she was and befriend the forgiving bears and they all live happily ever after.

Which version of the story do you believe for your life?

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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Strive to Leave a Legacy or Chase After the Wind?

Stress! Do you suffer?

Of course you do.

How much is caused by others and how much do you cause yourself?

When you really think on this, you uncover some rather painful truths about stress. Most of it is caused by yourself.

Like you. I like to place demands on my performance. Far greater demands than I would ever allow anybody else. Well perhaps my wife would debate that, but I don’t demand so much from other people.

Like you, I have a desire to leave something of a legacy. I want to achieve something bigger than myself. Something important.
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How Do I Leverage My Influencing Style?

how do i leverage my influencing styleThe 15-inch blade flew perilously close to my left ear, and the Chef’s knife thumped into the door behind me. I was told, in no uncertain terms, that my days in his pastry kitchen were over. I couldn’t possibly repeat the actual words, but if you think that Gordon Ramsey cusses, I can assure you that even he has a comparatively mild turn of phrase.

Chef was right of course. I was useless in the pastry kitchen.

I still am. My croissants could be used to break rocks in a quarry. My shortcrust could substitute for dumbell weights. It’s simple biology. My hands are too warm.

Heck, I didn’t even want to be a pastry chef, but I had to master every part of cooking, and I wanted to learn from this Chef. I had huge respect for his talent and would take almost anything for the chance to learn. But he wasn’t very likeable. He was a conqueror style and a competent jerk.

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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Principles of Successful Tech Leadership


Principles of Successful Tech Leadership

Bridging the Gaps to Unity of Cohesion and Effort Between Tech Leadership and the Business

Dr John Kenworthy and Barbara Dossetter


The common ground is the frustrations with scope creep, budget specifications, programme management and poor leadership.

Unfortunately, this hasn’t changed in 40 years, and won’t change until both parties ante up to the bar properly. As the need for projects has exponentially increased, it’s seriously outrun our ability to field talented people to make this happen.

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Five Ways to Let Your Courage Set You Free

CourageCourage is the root of all freedom.

It takes courage to dream big dreams… no matter your past, circumstances, or what others tell you. It takes courage to go after what matters. And when the going gets tough and obstacles crop up (as they always will), it takes courage to press on. Any time you go after what you really want, your doubts and fears will surface. That’s just part of the experience. You must ignore the voices that say “turn back” or “give up now” or “this is too hard.”

It is courage that keeps you moving forward.

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Brought to you by Dr John Kenworthy  

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