Why use simulations? Because lectures and case studies don’t cut it!

In spite of the extensive evidence, it seems that traditional lectures, use of static case studies and ‘knowledge transfer‘ continue to be the main methodologies used by teachers and trainers.

It is time to change. Gen iY is here and if we continue with last century methods, we have little chance of being their guides of choice:


Assesing and comparing the use of simulations, case studies and games for management development


Women’s power to hurt the male ego – CNN.com

OK lads, this is bad news… It would appear that someone has stumbled upon a little-realized detail that women have power over us! So I suggest that we stop this nasty little factoid spreading before we find they start taking over the running of the planet.

(Oprah.com) — Here’s a closely guarded secret: Women have more influence over men than they think. Psychologist Jay Carter talks to Michelle Burford about male self-esteem, the criticism that could demolish a man and what male intimacy is really about.

Acknowledge the big picture and postive qualities your man exhibits before asking for a change. Psychologist Jay Carter talks to Michelle Burford about male self-esteem, the criticism that could demolish a man and what male intimacy is really about. Twenty-six years of counseling men and couples have given Jay Carter an unusually clear window into men’s hearts and minds.

  • A woman has more influence over her man than she thinks
  • When a man falls in love with a woman, he gives her easy access to his self-esteem
  • Men take words more literally than women and hear them in sweeping terms
  • A man will try to live up to the image his wife has of him

Image courtesy of cnn.com

How To Develop The Brain Of A Leader | Empower the Leader in You

So many of us limit ourselves with our thinking. And no matter how well you know this, it’s good to remind ourselves every so often that our thinking is the only thing we can actually control.

One of the most obvious signs of self-limitation thinking are the words, “I can’t…” Even if not spoken aloud, the thought is present. LaRae Quy sugegsts four steps to develop our leader brain:

Growing up on a remote cattle ranch in the middle of Wyoming, I learned at a young age to never say “I can’t.” Then again, I had a grandmother who was a crack shot with a shotgun. My grandmother never had more than an 8th grade education, but she knew something that researchers at world-class universities are just now understanding. We’re reminding ourself of our limitations, and we’re really saying, “I don’t have the confidence to do this.” Have you ever said to yourself: I can’t speak well in front of a bunch of people, so don’t blame me if it goes badly.

Image courtesy of laraequy.com

The Brain Power of Productivity | 2013-08-05 | SUCCESS Magazine


brain powerHow each of us thinks and learns is implicit to our productivity. Our cognitive styles influence our individual behavior, work performance, decision making and information processing. “Individual productivity is when we prioritize work responsibilities, plan ways to meet the work objective and allocate time in an effort to affect work performance, says Carson Tate, managing partner at Working Simply, a management consulting firm.

“Individual productivity is when we prioritize work responsibilities, plan ways to meet the work objective and allocate time in an effort to affect work performance, says Carson Tate, managing partner at Working Simply, a management consulting firm. But there is no universal learning style,” Tate says. There are right- and left-brain thinkers, making up a concept called the Whole Brain Model.

Tate used the model to identify four learning style personas. Customized for each style, this is her advice on establishing time management tools:

  • The Prioritizer: Effective at being efficient.
  • The Planner: Plans time to complete tasks; accurate at project planning.
  • The Arranger: Encourages teamwork to maximize output; intuitively feels how to manage with time.
  • The Visualizer: Works quickly; multitasker; sees the big picture.

Tate used the model to identify four learning style personas. Customized for each style, this is her advice on establishing time management tools:

Image courtesy of success.com