Teamwork Matters

Teamwork Matters

Organizations accomplish what they do because of teamwork. Whether you are in business, sport, education, the church and even marriage – teamwork is what paves the way to success. What a leader can do with a great team far surpasses anything they can accomplish alone. As a leader learns how to unite the right people around a shared vision, their influence truly begins to take off.

According to Dr. John C. Maxwell in his book, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, the 1st Law of Teamwork is The Law of Significance:

One is too small a number to achieve greatness. Leaders who fail to promote teamwork undermine their own potential and erode the best efforts of the people with whom they work. To accomplish anything significant, leaders must learn to link up with others.

Recently I began working with a very successful businessman. In our first session he proudly informed me that he was a “self-made man”. He was rather taken aback when I appeared unimpressed. After all, this man is successful and rich. I responded, “That’s too bad. Imagine just how much you could have achieved with a great team.”

The reality of course, is that no-one is truly self-made. We may not have been gifted our businesses by our parents but they have played a part in making you. Your education may have been cut short or even, not especially good, but your teachers did impart something. For a few of my clients what they perceive as being negative in their lives is actually the turning point for their success.

A leader’s job is to develop the team so that the team is effective.

But what is an effective team?

There are probably as many definitions of an effective team as there are teams. But there does seem to be commonality and this, I believe, distils to:

An effective team has unity of cohesion and effort towards a common goal.

The Five components of an effective team

five components of effective teamsThese five components stem from research undertaken largely by the US Military (in particular, post-Gulf War I, when the number of “friendly fire” incidents became unacceptable).

Only when all five components are present in a team is there the potential for true unity of cohesion and effort. (Figure 1)

Shared Values

Shared values define the team. Without common values, everyone on the team has a different opinion about what’s important. Values put people on the same page. Just as personal values influence and guide an individual’s behaviour, organizational values set the standard for a team’s performance.

Too often, the values of a team are prepared by a marketing consultant, discussed and pasted on walls. Yet these are not the underlying true values of the individual’s within the team. Rarely does one see a team’s values statement include payment for their contribution, nor do we often see values pertaining to providing a safe and secure home for our families.

When we ask our clients why they work, the number 1 response is unsurprisingly, money. Joint second is providing for a family home and education for children, third is God.

I liken shared values to the image of an iceberg. The 10% above the water is what we see of the values that a person or the team holds – it represents the behaviours that are manifest.

The 90% below the water is the character of the individual or team – which is defined by the values that the team members hold.

It’s the 90% below the surface that sinks the ship.

The leader who neglects the real shared values of the team may find that the team:

  • Stagnates or fails to grow
  • Avoids obstacles
  • Loses achievement-oriented employees
  • Encourages team members to focus on their own careers and individual goals
  • Is easily distracted


Clear Command Instruction

Clear command instruction gives team members direction and confidence. If you lead your team, then you are responsible for identifying a worthy and compelling vision and articulating it to the team. People continually need to be shown the team’s compass clearly and creatively so that their actions align and they stay motivated by a captivating picture of the future.

Each team member should be able to make decisions readily and rapidly based on the clarity of the command instruction.

Clarity is critical. Often we see the use of delightful, yet nebulous words used to describe the goal and provide the direction. The word excellence (or excellent) is one example. Like values statements, the intentions are good, but what does excellence mean? We each have our own definition, all perfectly valid, of what excellence means.

In “Made to Stick”, the Heath Brothers refer to this as ‘Commanders Intent’ and recommend that leaders strip down the goal to the core message. The Combat Maneuver Training Centre, the unit in charge of military simulations in the US recommends that officers arrive at the Commander’s Intent by asking themselves two questions:

  1. If we do nothing else during tomorrow’s mission we must __________________.
  2. The single most important thing that we do tomorrow is __________________.

In this way, any team member who faces a decision can make that decision in line with the command instruction.

Establishing this takes time. Sometimes it is easy – when there are specific standards laid down by an industry body such as a Ministry of Health, the Inland Revenue or a professional body – then the goal of achieving those standards makes command instruction comparatively straightforward:

Achieve these standards.

But what happens once those standards are achieved? The leader then needs to create the new standards and articulate these to the team. And like any goal you want to achieve it has to be SMART, sensory and compelling, and of course, it must satisfy the values.

Leaders who are unable to articulate clarity of command instruction often find that the team fails to commit and:

  • This creates ambiguity among the team about direction and priorities
  • Team member’s watch windows of opportunity close due to excessive analysis and unnecessary delay
  • It also breeds lack of confidence and fear of failure
  • Team’s revisit discussions and decisions again and again
  • And also encourages second-guessing among team members


Shared Experience

Having clarity of direction that will satisfy shared values is only the beginning of effectiveness for the team. Shared experienced is the ‘how the team will do this’. What skills and knowledge are needed to achieve this?

Teams are of course, filled with individuals. And each individual brings with them their own set of skills, knowledge and abilities. And all players in a team have a place where they add the most value. Winning teams require more than the right people. You may have a group of talented individuals, but if each person is out of position, then the team won’t reach its potential.

Leading a successful team involves putting people in spots where they can excel.

The leader can think of team members as resources and fill the spots like playing checkers, or the leader can recognize the particular strengths and abilities of each individual. Using their strengths work together as a team – like a chess player.

When the leader fails to use the right strengths and abilities…

  • This creates resentment among team members who have different standards of performance
  • Encourages mediocrity
  • The team misses deadlines and key deliverables
  • And places an undue burden on the team leader as the sole source of discipline


Shared Situational Awareness

The most neglected component of developing effective teams is shared situational awareness.

Shared Situational Awareness is when all team members’ continuous perceptions of themselves and their peers in relation to the dynamic environment of business, competition, goals and the ability to predict, and then execute based on shared perception.

This is often neglected because it is so difficult to pin down. And the moment that you do pin down that you are fully aware of the current situation, the situation has already changed. Further, in circumstances where an individual’s situational awareness is well developed, much of the processing is unconscious.

Take, for example, driving a vehicle:

When you first learned to drive you were acutely aware of the very many things that required your attention. All of which had an impact or potential impact on your response. You have to steer, change gear, accelerate, break, and watch what is behind you, beside you, in front of you. You have to predict the behaviour of every other road user and make decisions based on a common set of rules. All on the basis of trust. Trust that the other road users will obey the rules, trust that the brake pedal will work, and trust in your own judgment call about what each other road user will or will not do.

Now imagine attempting to instruct another person remotely how to do that, in real time.

You would need to know that person’s knowledge and experience, where they were, what vehicle they were driving and all the other information. Impossible.

To enable this to work, the leader and each team member needs to be sure that every team member will perform their role effectively and how each will respond to given, known (and unknown) situations (following the command instruction based on known shared values using their known abilities and experience). It also means that team members look out for each other in the interests of the team.

When shared situational awareness is poor, teams:

  • Conceal their weaknesses and mistakes from one another
  • Hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback
  • Hesitate to offer help outside their own areas of responsibility
  • Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of others without attempting to clarify them
  • Fail to recognize and tap into one another’s skills and experiences
  • Waste time and energy managing their behaviours for effect
  • Hold grudges
  • Dread meetings and find reasons to avoid spending time together



The fifth component of an effective team is in their communications. Communication brings to light disagreements so that teammates can hammer out their differences and move forward in unison. Communication also spreads information, which eliminates redundancies and prevents teammates from working at cross‐purposes.

Communication within the team must continuously reinforce and support each of the other four components. Openly and candidly.

And critically, communication is the response you get. If a team member does not understand what their teammate is saying, the teammate is responsible for getting their message across.

The culture within the team is created, reinforced or undermined by the communication within the team. Consider communication as a family virus. The virus spreads rapidly and easily because the family stays close together and has members who are similar. The more virulent the virus, the quicker it spreads… and for communication, nothing spreads faster than gossip, cynicism and untruths. A wise leader ensures that they inoculate every team member with their chosen contagion that supports the desired team culture and prevents the spread of any malicious or damaging chatter.

Teams that have poor communication:

  • Have boring meetings
  • Create environments where back-channel politics and personal attacks thrive
  • Ignore controversial topics that are critical to team success
  • Fail to tap into all the opinions and perspectives of team members
  • Waste time and energy with posturing and interpersonal risk management


Team dysfunctions and issues

In our work with hundreds of work teams, we have found that the lack of Shared Situational Awareness is always the number one cause of

Number of teams showing symptoms of dysfunction

issues in teams. Even in teams that are high performing. It is most often manifest in the apparent lack of trust in the team. Lack of trust is the fruit of behaviours that good SSA would overcome.

The second dysfunction of teams is communication – often brought about because of a lack of shared situational awareness or, as most people think of it, trust.

Clarity of command instruction is most often the third issue teams face, though in competitive business organizations the third issue is frequently shared values.


Diagnosing the Issues in the team

In our work and research with organization teams across industries and across the globe we have identified the symptoms of team dysfunction and how frequently each occur within a team. By surveying team members we have been able to identify the frequency of dysfunction symptoms and thereby identify the key component issue.

Identifying the symptoms of dysfunction

Figure 2: Data from 582 teams, showing number of symptoms in each team for each component


What does the leader need to do?

Law 4 in John Maxwell’s 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork is the Law of Mount Everest

As the challenge escalates, the need for teamwork elevates. As the journey grows in difficulty, you can no longer cruise along with ordinary talent and average cooperation. To climb past the obstacles to your dream, you need to have a team of peak performers working in unison and clicking on all cylinders.

Synptoms of dystfunction in teams and what this meansIf your team is facing challenges or you want it to perform better, then the first task is to recognize that it is your responsibility as the leader. It is not the team members’ responsibility nor is it an external consultant’s responsibility to “fix” the team. It starts with you.

In each area, there are common key symptoms. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, just an overview of the top and most frequently uncovered issues in our work with teams:

Observe the symptoms of dysfunction that may be present and raise each issue with the whole team. Now is the time you can ask the team to help you fix the issues.

Knowing your goals, having the right experience and resources and working together towards satisfying shared values are well known to be important in effective team performance. Shared Situational Awareness and clear communication though is the glue for teams: How you understand my context and situation and we adapt to each new situation as it arises – collaborating to gain those synergies everyone promises. And the key to SSA is open and candid communication. It’s the leader’s job to inoculate all team members with the positive communication virus.

About the author Dr John Kenworthy

Leadership is the difference maker and the deal breaker. It’s how we grow organizations. It’s how we impact lives. But, as you also know, leadership cannot be an idea we simply talk about. Leadership is the action we must live out.

As a Certified Leadership Coach, Trainer and Speaker, I can offer you workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching, aiding your personal and professional growth through study and practical application of John’s proven leadership methods. Working together, I will move you and/or your team or organization in the desired direction to reach your goals.

How Shared Situational Awareness can make or break your organization and sent England, France and Italy home

How Shared Situational Awareness can make or break your organization and sent England, France and Italy home

June 2010 has been an fascinating month – whether it’s World Cup Fever that cause it or just coincidence but this last month has been almost entirely about team leaderships and improving team working.

As I write this, England’s woeful performance has them heading home after being humiliated by old rivals Germany. The French team re-defined petulance and defending champions Italy crashed below New Zealand in their group.

Blame the referee, blame the vuvuzelas, blame the manager, the team, the ball, the heat, the hype. What can we learn from this championship to improve team leadership and team-working on the sports field and our organization?

How Shared Situational Awareness can Make or Break Your Organization

Performance issues in teams are rooted on one or more of four distinct areas:

  1. The first is the command instruction(s) for the team.
  2. The second is shared experience.
  3. Third (and most neglected) is shared situational awareness, and lastly
  4. shared values.

In each area, there are common key issues. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the symptoms, just an overview of the top and most frequently uncovered issues.

  • A lack of clear direction, which can be a lack of clarity and, or lack of direction. Frequently, there are team leadership roles missing within the team.
    • The team themselves may function reasonably well, but without leadership, they falter under pressure. Just watch any match when the skipper is injured or sent off.
  • Many teams work in silos, individuals or small groups working independently from the others. Sharing little information, knowledge or expertise. This situation is often exacerbated by unhealthy rivalry between team members or sub groups.
  • The third, and often neglected factor of team cohesiveness is, shared situational awareness.
    • Team members may cooperate, but they do not collaborate. Essentially, team members can be nice enough to each other and say that they agree, but their actions defy their words.
    • Most often, the team has not learned how to communicate internally. Individuals do not share their context, or inform other members of changes that are pertinent.
  • Many teams have something of a blame culture. This is when individuals give as much or even, more time, covering their own backsides, and when anything goes wrong, it is always someone else who is to blame.
  • Shared values are the foundation of any team. Whether it is the pride in representing country, or the simple desire to make every single day your masterpiece. When personal values are in conflict with the presumed shared values, the personal values will win out every time. When a footballer’s livelihood depends on his performance in the EPL next month and nothing to do with doing his best for his national side, selfishness will win out. That, sadly, is pretty well all teams.

Knowing your goals, having the right experience and resources and working together towards shared values are well known to be important in effective team performance. Shared Situational Awareness though is the glue for teams. How you understand my context and situation and we adapt to each new situation as it arises – collaborating to gain those synergies everyone promises. And the key to SSA is open and candid communication. It’s the leader’s job to enable and encourage that.

To learn more about our unique team advantage programs that develop these four areas, visit our new website at

About the author

Dr. John Kenworthy is Chief Coaching Officer at CELSIM, a specialist leadership development company based in Singapore. He is the author of “Developing Managers Using Simulations” and “The GAINMORE™ Leadership Advantage”. +65 62450908

Goals #3 – Setting Team Goals

Setting team goals adds a layer of real complexity to goal setting. Particularly if the distribution of influence and power is shared equally across the team. Many committees are wonderful examples of how the goal-setting process can simply end up in drift mode when little is decided and even less done.

In the section on team roles, I mentioned the importance of the balance in the team. Setting team goals is one particular area that is greatly affected by the make-up of the team and the roles within it.
We run an exercise in workshops that really gets teams to hone in on personal values and their own particular talent. I will return to this in Team Vision.

Team goal setting activity

This is a simple,fun activity to help a team understand the importance of goal setting and communication process.

Split the team into two teams.

Place enough squares (carpet tiles work very well) in a line for all members of both teams with one extra square in the middle.
Split into<br /> two teams

Teams face each other on the squares:

Teams face each other
The goal for this activity is that the teams will exchange places on the squares.
There are four rules:

  • Move only in a FORWARD direction.
  • You may step to the square in front of you if it is vacant.
  • You may step to the vacant square Behind a person who is FACING you And standing on the square in Front of you.

End up oppostie sides


  • How did you feel when you first started this experience?
  • How did your feelings change?
  • What contributed to the way you felt?
  • What enabled you to do this successfully?
  • What parallels are there to the workplace?

As the leader of this team, you will likely get some excellent feedback on the way you lead and how they would like to be led.

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Effective Change Leadership through golf – a case study

Jurong Country Club: Effective Change Leadership

Jurong Country Club provides recreational and social amenities for the high-profile professionals and executives working or conducting businesses in Jurong, the industrial hub of Singapore. Since its birth in 1975, it has blossomed into one of the finest and most reputable golf clubs in Singapore, luring members and clientele from all over the island.

The brief

team photoContinuous change and improvement is the norm at JCC, like other country club, innovation and continued excellence in customer service is key to continued growth. With the development of the Integrated Resorts, competitive pressure mounts and demand for high quality staff provides club management with additional pressure to lead change more and more effectively.

The intervention

Gainmore Golf

One of the most highly acclaimed leadership development programs underpinned by this model is GAINMORETM Golf – developed by Dr. john Kenworthy and world famous PGA golf teaching professionals, we use the game of golf as classroom and metaphor.

In this customised half-day program, participants learn and develop their own leadership and management capabilities through a unique, powerful and enjoyable golfing challenge. Participants do not need to be a golfer to fully participate in these events, even if they have never lifted a club before – if they know who Tiger Woods is, that is enough. Most groups participating have a mixture of some golfers with mostly non-golfers. Whatever the make-up of the group, we have fully accredited and certified PGA golf professionals to teach you the basics or improve your technical ability, so that you can fully participate and enjoy this unique and enjoyable learning experience.In this programme, the focus is on Communication and Influence as a key process of leadership.

Before the non-golfers amongst you panic!
We know! Some of you are golfers, many are not. We’ve designed this program so that you can all fully participate and enjoy this unique learning experience. Our golf professionals will be teaching you the basics or helping you improve your current golfing ability and all of you will be developing your leadership capabilities through the facilitation of Dr. John Kenworthy, the author and creator of GAINMORETM Golf.

The outcome

After this training program, participants:
• Understand the affect and effect of continuous change
• Realise ways of handling change for yourself
• Are proficient in helping and leading others to change
• Know the importance of effectively communicating outcomes and goals
• Are able to motivate yourself and others to change behaviours and work patterns
• Value the importance of continuous improvement to achieve goals

The outline of the half-day:

Location Program Time
Meeting Room Workshop

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Weather Forecast
  • Change is…
  • Convincing others to change
  • Goals and Vision
  • Building Character – Changing Habits
  • Leading Strategically
  • Motivational Leadership
  • Briefing for Swing by the Range
45 Minutes
Practice Range Swing by the Range

  • Golf practice drills
  • Briefing for the Change Leadership Golfing Challenge
45 Minutes
Practice Range Change Leadership Golfing Challenge

  • 4 Team golf activities
120 Minutes
Meeting Room Review and wrap-up 30 Minutes

For further information please contact the GAINMORE™ Golf team

Download this case study here