Can HR be Strategic Without C-Level Support? | HRM Today

I read one of the best blog posts last week, that I have read in a long time. Bill Taylor, at the Harvard Business Review blog wrote, Why We (Shouldn’t) Hate HR. He recounts the infamous Fast Company article, Why We Hate HR with a totally new perspective. (One that I happen to agree with). One of my favorite quotes from his post is:

As this provocative essay approaches its fifth anniversary, perhaps it’s time to change the debate. The real problem, I’d submit, isn’t that HR executives aren’t financially savvy enough, or too focused on delivering programs rather than enhancing value, or unable to conduct themselves as the equals of the traditional power players in the organization — all points the original essay makes. The real problem is that too many organizations aren’t as demanding, as rigorous, as creative about the human element in business as they are about finance, marketing, and R&D. If companies and their CEOs aren’t serious about the people side of their organizations, how can we expect HR people in those organizations to play as a serious a role as we (and they) want them to play?

via Can HR be Strategic Without C-Level Support? | HRM Today.

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Can HR be Strategic Without C-Level Support? | HRM Today

I read one of the best blog posts last week, that I have read in a long time. Bill Taylor, at the Harvard Business Review blog wrote, Why We (Shouldn’t) Hate HR. He recounts the infamous Fast Company article, Why We Hate HR with a totally new perspective. (One that I happen to agree with). One of my favorite quotes from his post is:

As this provocative essay approaches its fifth anniversary, perhaps it’s time to change the debate. The real problem, I’d submit, isn’t that HR executives aren’t financially savvy enough, or too focused on delivering programs rather than enhancing value, or unable to conduct themselves as the equals of the traditional power players in the organization — all points the original essay makes. The real problem is that too many organizations aren’t as demanding, as rigorous, as creative about the human element in business as they are about finance, marketing, and R&D. If companies and their CEOs aren’t serious about the people side of their organizations, how can we expect HR people in those organizations to play as a serious a role as we (and they) want them to play?

via Can HR be Strategic Without C-Level Support? | HRM Today.

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