This will be your year to forge success, but…

Join me between January 22nd and 29th for a free webinar

I hate to say this, but it’s not going to be easy.

86% of people give up on their goals within one year

  • 86% of people give up on achieving their success goals within the first year.
  • 70% of organization initiatives ultimately fail.
  • 25% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after one week, and the average person makes the same New Year’s resolution ten separate times without success!

Achieving your success goals isn’t easy.


Mainly because most of us haven’t been taught HOW to properly forge real success.

I am determined to change that. I will help you understand the latest neuroscience research that explains how you can turn these odds back in your favour.

This year WILL be your year when you gallop towards your success (I have to get a reference about the Year of the Horse somewhere right? 😉 ) Using the latest neuroscience research, I will teach you how to deliberately use the hidden power of your mind to ensure your success.

If you feel “stuck” and want to get unstuck, my 9-step program will do that for you .

Always starting and never finishing? I can help.

Anxious about next year? This process will eliminate that uncertainty, and you’ll come away knowing exactly what you want — and how to get it.

[button color=”orange” size=”large” link=”” target=””]Register Now for Free[/button]

My new course, Forging Success , was designed to systematically walk you through a proven process for achieving your success. Join me between January 22nd and 29th  for a free webinar to learn more about this program, what’s involved and how you can request an invitation to join the private beta.

Whatever your success goals — whether it’s getting more done, getting that promotion, reducing stress, writing a book, getting more life balance, paying down debt, changing careers or starting a new project, you can make the change today, right now, to have the life you want tomorrow.

I’ll show you how .

Warm regards,

Dr John Kenworthy

P.S. For the next few days, I’m purposely rewarding early adopters with free access during this private beta invitation period . The first “snag” is that the private beta invitation period ends in February (on Friday, January 31st at 11:59pm SGT). The second “snag” is that being a private beta registrant requires that you give feedback on using the system and content (i.e. you let me know how well it works and if you find any system ‘bugs’).

If you’ve ever set out to achieve your success goals but then somewhere along the way got derailed or discouraged, get this course.

After completing these exercises, you’ll be clear, motivated and destined to make 2014 the year you galloped towards your success.