How to Grow and Learn into the Leader You Can Be

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Imagine that you are stressed out, overworked, overly pressured and don’t get the recognition you deserve. This may be so close to reality that you won’t find it hard to imagine! You want to grow in your career, but trapped by your current lifestyle and there’s a genuine fear that you may be close to burning out.

One day, a friend mentions that she has been helped by a coach and suggests that you do the same. At first, you resist. You’ve seen the hundreds of articles and adverts promising a silver bullet solution to organise your life, reach your dreams, orchestrate your career and get on top of your life.So let’s get this out of the way now:

There are no silver bullets; no quick and easy solutions; it will not happen overnight.

There are times in life and work when we would benefit from the experience, wisdom and knowledge of people who have been in similar situations. If you are looking for one such person, then you are looking for a coach. But how do you make sure that you get the most out of it?

What’s Better Today? How to Grow and Learn into the Leader You Can Be” helps and guides you in getting the most our of your own coaching because, for most people, being coached is a new experience.

In Part One, “Starting Out” – you will learn if you are ready to be coached, and if so, what sort of coaching will work best for you right now and thus how you can go about choosing someone to work with.

In Part Two, “Grow and Learn” – you’ll learn how to get the very most you can out of your coaching. I’ve put together a structured framework with templates that you can use to both shortcut your coaching and get the results you want as quickly as you want.

In Part Three, I share about “Wrapping Up” your coaching effectively so that you, and your coach, continue to learn from the experience.In fact, by using the templates and guidance in this book, you will be coaching yourself.

What’s Better Today? How to Grow and Learn into the Leader You Can Be by Dr John Kenworthy

The Executive Coaching Game

A picture is worth a thousand questions

leadership coaching gameI work with senior leaders and executives to enable and empower them in establishing new ways of being or behaving to raise their level of influence and leadership. Most of these leaders are already highly successful in their career and are senior managers or C-Suite executives. They just want to be better – whether it is a promotion they seek, significant organizational change or some other life transition that created the desire for coaching in the first place. My clients represent a multitude of geographic, cultural and racial backgrounds – from Australia to China, to South East Asia, the Middle East, Europe and on to the US. Typically in their mid 30’s to late 40’s, men and women – all have one thing in common, they are going through, or about to go through some sort of transition in their work or life.

I’ve spent years developing my leadership coaching and business mentoring skills (and spent a considerable amount of money in doing so). Yet, there are times when a client simply cannot get the breakthrough they need. Few executives are keen on delving into the recesses of their childhood or home life – heck this is the business world where balance is about debits and credits not life. As their coach it can take a long time to establish sufficient trust to go where they need to go, for them to recognize the emotions of their obstacles to personal progress and create new, sustainable alternative thinking, emotions and hence actions.

Senior executives, like all of us, are similarly plagued by our own cognitive biases. This has worked for me in the past, ergo; it will continue working for me in the future (confirmation bias at play). However, as coaching guru, Marshall Goldsmith tells us; “What got you here, won’t get you there.
So, how to break through easily, quickly, effectively without a full understanding of NLP strategies, hypo-therapy techniques and a bank of BDQs (Bloody Difficult Questions)? Enter “The Coaching Game.

I first came across The Coaching Game a couple of years ago, searching for some tool or solution to the regular dilemmas my clients face. I bought a set and a few days later played with it for myself. Whoa! I was rather shocked – either I am the best self-coach in the world and brilliant, or I had stumbled across something that helped find new possibilities to resolve old issues. By the way, it is the latter and yes, even I have “issues.”

I immediately started using TCG within my coaching sessions. Combining them with my own templates and tools to help clients more quickly, almost effortlessly, find their own new possibilities to their issues.

Why does The Coaching Game work so well in executive coaching?

Using the pictures (whether randomly chosen or chosen by the client) and focusing their attention completely and utterly and linking something about the picture, or the word, or the associated story, or an associated quite to their issue creates a new connection. Both emotionally in the limbic brain, and cognitively. As their coach, I then guide them through questioning to explore the connection in relation to resolving the issue. We have by-passed the cognitive biases – sure they come charging back in order to dispute any new solution, but the thought has taken hold. The client has a new way of thinking on the issue. Is it worth testing in the workplace? Perhaps at home first?

44 HabitsBy combining a structured executive coaching approach and The Coaching Game, my client’s get better, more sustainable results in less time. And there’s the rub. Using TCG will reduce the time you need to spend with clients – for many coaches, that means fewer hours sold. My own solution to that dilemma? Sell fewer hours for more money. And the card that gave me the courage to make that bold step? Habits.

And, for most of my clients, they get a TCG set for themselves and continue through self-coaching, and we continue to have fascinating discussions about how they got that solution from that picture. The human brain, vastly complex and we will probably never fully understand.

They say that “a picture is worth a thousand words” – for me, “a picture is worth a thousand questions!”

Next month, I’ll share how I, and my coaching team use TCG in our structured coaching programs and within our own templates.

The Success Ladder Is Gone-Insights On Succeeding Without It! » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge

In modern organizations with flat organizational hierarchies, can you last long enough in your job until the boss keels over? So, when the career ladder has gone, what can you do to get that deserved promotion?  Irene Becker begins a five part series on Success At the Speed of Change:

Where did the ladder go?  Well, it was knocked down in the last decade by a velocity of change, challenges, access to info/communication, increasing competition, opportunities and the ongoing transformation of life, commerce and culture as we once knew it.  What do we need to adjust to see our lives and careers in a non-linear fashion while retaining the purpose, human creativity, initiative that can take us forward towards greater personal and organizational success? We must start at the beginning by looking at our definition of success.

  • How can we rise to the challenges before us without a ladder? How do we succeed in a non-linear eco-system?
  • Success at the speed of change, success without a ladder,  begins by embracing and building our incredible ability to adapt, learn-relearn and grow.

Stay tuned for the next 4 installments of Success At The Speed of Change:

Image courtesy of

A Better Way to Stop Negative Self Talk – by Dumb Little Man

Admit it. You’ve tried everything and still your inner gremlin is destined to outlive your earthly existence.

You’ve tried resisting it.You’ve tried ignoring it.You’ve tried to replace it with a more positive, cuddly gremlin. You’ve even tried intimidating it.

Nevertheless it persists, immortal and ever present, torturing you with negativity, doubt, and using its familiarity with you to exploit your deepest, darkest fears.

You ask yourself what you have to do to evict this little monster from your brain.Well, if you’ve tried everything else, I’d like to suggest a different solution for you. Instead of trying to resist your gremlin, why not embrace it?Impossible? I beg to differ.Here’s a three-step plan to developing a positive relationship with your inner gremlin.

1. Recognize Your Inner Gremlin is a Part of You

2. Identify the Source of its Concerns

3. Talk it Down by Reaffirming Your Capability

Read the article on full for what to do in each step – simple but useful advice, try it out and destroy those gremlins.

How do you influence?

Are you at cause for influencing yourself to greater things or are you at the effect of others, the environment and the outside world?

In golf, there are only two things that affect your game. Yes, sorry, just the two things. The first is physics. The golf ball, your clubs, the course are all subject to the laws of physics.

  • You might say that the weather changes the way the ball behaves. Yes indeed it can and does, cool air temperatures effect the turbulence of the air and hence the flight of the ball… just physics.
  • You might suggest that your swing technique changes the way you strike the ball and hence its direction and distance – yes true – just physics.
  • The only part of golf that is not directly about physics is the you part – not your technique, strength, everything physical is, well physics.

No, the only non-physical part is mental. There are those that will scientifically argue that this too is physics – after all, the mental part is about electrons, neurons etc that obey the laws of physics. Yes this may be true, however, there is an important distinction, you can do nothing about the laws of physics. Not a thing. Rien. Zip. Nada. Naff all. Zero. You can’t change it – you can use it – because the laws of physics don’t change – knowing what physics is at work and how to use that knowledge to increase distance, improve direction and so on – now that’s useful knowledge – see, you now wish that you’d paid more attention in school.

The distinction is that the mental part of the game is something that you can change. Yes the neurons and so on that carry the messages and inform the parts of the body to do what they do will do so, because they obey the laws of physics. It is the message that they carry that you can change. Now, since this actually applies to everything in your life it could be a revelatory moment for you in everything. So, we come back to the basic critical decision point…

Thermometer - responds to the environmentThermostat - controls the environmentAre you at cause or effect?

  • Do you cause your golf ball to fly in a particular direction? Yes, of course you do.
  • Do you allow your playing partner to effect your playing?
  • Do you allow the weather to effect your playing? The answer is that all things going on in your surroundings will effect your playing – because they effect your mental attitude, they effect the message that you send to your muscles.
  • Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?

How much you allow external events to effect your playing is your choice.

It’s important to preface this section with a reminder that everyone,every single human being has a choice to do something, or not do it.To learn something, or not to. Everything we do in this life is a choice. Yes, there are many many (far too many) people on this planet who do not have a good choice – or a ‘real’ choice. There are, too many people who’s struggle for life overwhelms their choices in life. The choice to live or die in such circumstances, is however difficult or impossible, still a choice. Please realise that I am not denigrating anyone here, nor am I saying it’s easy simply because I assert that they have a choice. I simply want to ensure that you have a mindset that you can be at choice. Improving the opportunities for choice for the millions of those with little real choice is another matter entirely.

So, if you are at choice, which frequency do you listen, cause or effect?How you influence others is somewhat obvious, but how you influence yourself is perhaps a little more obscure. We will take the obvious route first and then apply it to self. In developing your leadership advantage, we are very strongly focusing on your self-leadership – how you lead yourself to greatness in everything that you do.

Why spend so much time here? Because leadership is pretty much allabout influencing others.

How do you Influence Yourself?

When I ask this question in our workshops, I am usually met with blank stares at first. I call them ‘blank stares’ because to be looked at as if you are completely off your trolley isn’t something I choose to reinforce. The first response from that first brave soul suggests that there is no need to influence oneself. Basically, it runs like this: I decide to do something, I tell myself to do it, and I do it. No influence is required. I don’t have to ask myself nicely, or threaten myself with unpleasant consequences, or persuade myself that it will be worthwhile. Really? If we could slow down the thought processes going on, you might think differently.

Let’s take a slightly different approach. I suspect that you have, inside you, at least two ‘voices’ – the pro voice and the con voice. The optimist and the pessimist. The good and the bad. You may have more, you may not consider them as ‘voices’ – that’s OK, I hope that you can work with me on the concept for a little while.

Let’s say that this is two radio stations, 55.5 and 66.6.

The first station on 55.5 is supportive – bolstering your ego, always proud of you and your achievements. The second, on 66.6 is the doubter, always casting doubts in your mind, running you down, always suggesting that others are trying to get you, that you should not listen to 55.5, it always lets you down – you never realise the dreams that 55.5 suggests. 66.6 reminds you of the difficulties you had the last time you tried to do this or that. How nothing ever works for you, that it’s all about luck and fate and chance and that you just are not a lucky person. If you buy a lottery ticket, you will always miss by one number at best. That nobody else deserves to win anything either. Basically, this is a bad voice.

I can see some of you nodding your heads as you read this. Don’t worry, you’re not schizophrenic – this is normal, everyone has this going on. Some days it’s like a continuous debate, others, one or both are quiet with little to say. You know you have a problem when you cannot distinguish between the voices and which of you is real.

So, which station do you tune into?

Here’s the two stations output for a few common golfing scenarios…


Approaching the first Tee on competition day: ‘Well, it’s a lovely morning with plenty of gusty breezes to knock your ball off centre, and a touch of rain in the air, but very unpredictable whether it’ll rain now or later. You did some good practice yesterday but you know it’ll all go to pieces today don’t you? You know that you always screw up on the first drive and there’s no mulligans today. See your competition today, wow, that first group were good weren’t they. No chance you’ll keep up with them is there. Still, perhaps you can just enjoy the game for a change and not worry about winning or losing – after all you know you’ll lose, so why get your hopes up? Ridiculous game, I don’t know why you bother, should have stayed home and cut the grass. be more useful than out here, being mocked by your friends… oh no, talking of which, there they are, why do they have to come and watch my first drive. They’ll cough or chatter just as I’m lining up, I know they will. Oh well, my turn now, what a disaster, prepare for the worst and don’t get angry…

First Tee shot: So nicely lined up, but then anyone can put a ball on a tee can’t they. Now settle down, breath, how’s the grip – that instructor why did he have to change my grip, it won’t work. Right align my feet, look up, look down, those people down there, are in my line, why do they have to stand there, don’t they know they could be hit… calm yourself, that’s right, may as well get calm now, because once you hit it there won’;t be any calm left, And if you screw up this drive, it’ll all be downhill for the whole day. never recover, so get this right. Wiggle the bum, yes nice, settle, legs bent just right, what if my weight shifts before I strike then hit those people standing there. i wouldn’t mind hitting that smug bastard – he’s such a flash git. Custom clubs, custom balls, bet he cheats, never puts a foot wrong, wipe that smug grin off his face, I’ll show ‘im. Back swing, nice, but is it right, no of course not, arm down, elbow’s bent at the wrong time, as usual, THWACK….. follow-through may as well let go of the club, it’ll go further anyway.

In spite of this, by some divine intervention, the ball soars through the air and lands smack down the middle of the fairway, 220 yards at least beautifully set up for a second onto the green and a possible birdie: Whoa – didn’t know you had it in you. Nice shot, so lucky, you’d never do that again, not in a month of Sundays. Still, plenty of time to screw up yet…


Sorry, I just can’t write anymore of this – it’s just too depressing. Is this you? And, were you the one who said that they didn’t influence themselves?

good angel55.5 on the same situation…

What a beautiful day, a few gusts, possible rain in the air. Be a good idea to look at the trees as we walk down the course, see where the gusts are going. if it rains, we’ll change clubs and, quick, borrow an umbrella from Jim there, he can pop back and get another from his car. So nice that my friends are here to cheer me on. Great guys. Now I’m going to show them a great drive. I can see it now, smack down the middle of the fairway, perfect for a chip up to the green and a birdie. I can’t wait to pick up that trophy at the end of the day. Good to have some strong competition – nothing better than a real challenge.
First Tee shot: Breath nice and deep, slow my heartbeat and see that drive. A little gusty from left to right over those trees, just align a fraction to the left because this ball’s going to soar above that line. Glove, into the zone. Complete focus, nice alignment, well done, now a beauty practice swing, nice and loose in the shoulders. Firm stance, good lad, check alignment, now trust your swing. THWACK.

In spite of this, by some divine intervention, the ball soars through the air and too far to the left, way over to the left and lands smack down into the rough by the trees, maybe even really in the trees: Beautiful drive, well done, aligned just a little too far left, so we’ll make sure to fix that. I think maybe the wind dropped as well. Nice lay-up for the second shot – I can use that chip techniques I learned from watching Seve on TV, good for a par if I’m really in the rough, and good for a birdie if it’s not too long. Good, well done.

Now, which station do you want to listen to? The one that derides you no matter how great you are, or the one that supports you and encourages you no matter how poor the shot?

I don’t care says someone, so long as I hit great shots I’ll put up with either. Fair enough. Which one do you think will help you enjoy your game? Which one will help you towards a stroke lying ill in bed feeling miserable and no-one coming to visit because you don’t even like yourself, let alone anyone else?

Extreme? Sadly no. Go find the most miserable-faced player in your local club and ask them which station they tune into.

Raising your Level of Influence

Climbing the ladder of influenceEarlier, we looked at the 5 levels of Influence. Now, where would you like to be with yourself?

Most likely level 3, 4 or 5

I’ll guess that this is one level beyond your current level.

So how?

Well, that’s the seed planted. If you are at level 1 – struggling to attain level 2

I recommend that you seek professional help. I don’t mean a psychiatrist – I mean a coach. If you are at level 1, chances are very high that there is no-one in your life currently at level 4 – i.e. no-one that you respect for how they have developed you as an individual. This is the person you want as a coach ideally. Short of that, ask around – or get onto our website, we’ll happily point you to someone we’ve worked with in the past who might be suitable.

Those of you at level 2, wanting to get to level 3 – production or results…

Golfers: You could start with your instructor,or your regular playing partners. Tell them to help you push yourself. It’s amazing once you start to get the results you want – then you’ll respect yourself for it and rely less and less on others influencing you.

Leaders: Ask your boss! Yeah shocking revelation there. Your colleagues. That guy in sales you don’t really like buy boy does he get results.

Level 3 to level 4

This, I believe, is about the love to learn for the sake of it. You can start with learning something you have thought till now as being ‘impossible’. For golfers: Right-handed players learning to play left-handed. Shoot targets. Play games like ‘bag grab’. Best of all, start someone new on golf – help them learn.

For leaders: Take on a new project in an area that you know little, or nothing about. Or, simply choose one of your staff and mentor them.

Level 4 to level 5

I believe that this is when you find yourself and what you really really believe in. It’s a higher calling, beyond self. It is, for me, ridding myself of the self-righteousness, the ego if you will and knowing that you have a purpose in this life. When I get there, well you will know probably before I do.

There are other aspects of influence in this life , business and golf. It is not entirely self-focused.

The way we behave, the way we play, the confidence that we exude, the way we allow our character to come out – all of these have an influence on those around us.