LeaderShift – Delegate the fun stuff

Delegate the fun stuff!

Many of you will have already read an article of mine called “Loosen Your Grip to Stay in Control!” Well, one of the areas that many of my coaching clients struggle with is effective delegation. So, this LeaderShift!, I’m going to get you to delegate. And to delegate something that you like to do yourself!

“But John, I don’t have anyone that I can delegate to!” Nonsense! You do, they might not be your staff, it could be your friends, colleagues, boss (yes your boss), spouse, kids…

  • Are you overburdened?
  • Do you have any problems with giving other people control over something?
  • Do you ever find that others were expecting something different even after you clearly communicated?
  • Is time your friend?

6 Steps to Delegation

Delegate [del-i-geyt]: to send or appoint (a person) as deputy or representative; to commit (powers, functions, etc.) to another as agent or deputy.

There’s a simple six step process to follow to delegate to someone successfully. You need to:

  1. Establish exactly what to delegate to whom
  2. Clarify the specific outcomes you want
  3. Clearly define responsibilities
  4. Communicate the scope and authority
  5. Establish a time frame
  6. Monitor progress

You know this right? Your challenge this LeaderShift! goes beyond this.


Delegate something you really like doing!

  1. What’s the favourite part of your job?
  2. Delegate it!

Something that you personally enjoy. Perhaps it’s meeting a favourite client. Making that presentation. Cooking your best recipe. Taking the applause. Speaking to the team. Sitting in your office… Delegate it!

It’s easy to delegate (usually abdicate) stuff we don’t like doing. But to be the great leader I know that you are, you will give your best away to develop others. You will lose control… and once lost, you will find that you actually have more. Let me know how you get on.


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