Your leadership characteristics are the sum of your personality, habits, behaviours and attitude

Here we identify the most important leadership characteristics and how you can develop your leadership character.

When we started using the game of golf as our classroom to develop leadership we noticed a similarity between the way people play golf, and their leadership characteristics.

Originally, we created nicknames for our participants as an easy means of communication between us trainers. The nicknames not only stuck, it spurred me to delve in and research. What I found was that there were 9 major styles of golfer that corresponded with their leadership nature. For example, the golf “Conqueror” – the guy (and it was usually a guy) who smacks the ball as a far as possible and uses the biggest baddest club in the bag… well, he was just like that as a leader.

We identified nine different character types and with a little imagination created the “9 Character’s of Leadership.

Nine Leadership Characters

Take our free quiz and find out your leadership characteristics now There are nine main ‘styles’ of leadership – the 9 Characters.

By ‘style’, I do not mean to refer to an individual’s personality or their innate character as though this were true. I am, instead, referring to the way in which you perform at your best and most naturally – which may represent your true personality – best to ask your spouse or a close friend who knows you in many other situations as well. This is your character paradigm.

We’ll consider each of the characters or styles in turn, pointing out the dominant leadership characteristics displayed and consider a few well known business leaders who fit each style. Your job is to identify your own style amongst these nine – finding the one which most accurately matches your approach to leadership.

This isn’t about choosing the style you think that you ‘should’ have, or would like to have. This is about understanding where you are now, and knowing that if you lead in this style, it will be the most comfortable. Later you can consider how to compensate for the weaknesses in your leadership.

Your leadership charcater is the combination of your technical competency (how well you do the leadership Skills) and your leadership advantage (have developed the Leadership Qualities).

Leadership Characters

Click on the character box to go straight to the detail.

Are you a conquerer? Perhaps you are a craftsman? The real strategic masters Technically pretty good, just a little rough? Starting out in your leadership journey, no worries, we all start here Doing a juggling act every day huh? Bringing harmony to the organization The exhibitionists of the leadership world The sly fox of the office

What’s your leadership character?

Leadership Characteristics Quick Quiz

The Nine Leadership Characters

Each of the nine leadership characters are detailed on the pages linked below.

Whatever your current character, even the few chess-players amongst you, can be developed.

Have you taken our quick quiz yet?

If not, do so now, it really helps to know your starting point. Then you can click on the appropriate link here and find out what you can do to develop your leadership now. Our Leadership Character Quiz is free and easy to use – just click

Are you clumsy? No? already been around a bit then… a little bit Coarse? No, you have the greater aptitude? Yikes, step back and let the conquerer through All for one and one for all? … your are a Cavalier? So much to do, so many opportunities, I know how it feels… let the Conjuror crack on now and find out what to do next.

Alright you sly fox, cunning then?

Aha, you’ve gotten the leadership advantage already. Hey, have you been on our trainings or coaching already? The conductor needs to get set up here!

OK, everyone listen up,it seems that we have a serious player in the room. Someone who is going to teach the rest of us how to do this leadership thing right. The Chess Player

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The Clumsy Leader – where we all start

The Clumsy Leader is where we all start !

Am I a clumsy leader?

Everyone is a clumsy leader at first and there is no shame in being here. In fact some leaders stay here their entire lives and still manage to succeed.

We all start at the bottom left corner! Low technical aptitude, and low attitude or leadership advantage.

I hear often about “natural born leaders” – usually from the same people who believe that leadership cannot be developed (and when I dig deeper, I find that these same people are not ‘natural born leaders’ and cannot be bothered to put in the effort to actually develop their leadership thus, leadership is ‘natural’ becomes the excuse.)

Let me put my stake in the ground here.

No-one is a born leader!

via The Clumsy Leader – where we all start.

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The GAINMORE™ Leadership Advantage Handbook 3rd Edition

Open the Leadership Advantage Handbook

Open the Leadership Advantage Handbook

In conjunction with the launch of GAPPS3, we are updating, revising and reworking our Leadership Advantage Handbook.

This is a work in progress for publication of the 3rd Edition in December 2010.

The handbook is being re-written online here, and we welcome your comments and feedback and contributions to make it even more useful, effective and real.

Join us and collaborate on this 3rd edition of the indispensable leadership development handbook.

Sign up to access all the leadership advantage handbook or collaborate with us.

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