8 Blunders in How Leaders Think

STOP! Just a moment. Is your thinking stinking? At the end of the day, you can please some of the people and settle fo same ol’ same ol’ ways of doing things… or perhaps, just maybe, you are a leader who thinks. Check yourself against Mark Sanborn’s 8 classic blunders:

Leader, are unexamined assumptions and outdated thinking holding you back?   Unknown Leaders need the intellectual courage to challenge their own thinking. And rather than fearing or resisting opposing points of view, leaders need to use those ideas to test their thinking and stimulate new insights. Henry Ford famously said, “Thinking is the hardest work there is , which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.” Thinking well is even harder.

Leaders need the intellectual courage to challenge their own thinking. And rather than fearing or resisting opposing points of view, leaders need to use those ideas to test their thinking and stimulate new insights.