How to be in rapport with others

The wonderful Ready to Manage folk have another great article for you. Building rapport with others. What to do, and how to do it:

Building rapport is the process of establishing a harmonious relationship with someone so that the relationship feels as close as possible to being a friend. Good rapport can therefore be helpful in a range of life circumstances including work, home or play situations. But once learned, this is a powerful skill that must be used with care and integrity as it can be misused to manipulate someone. We must take care to use it only where our intention is to help them get something they will thank us for later.

In simple summary terms, rapport is best built progressively using the following broad behaviors:

  1. Think of other people as being worthwhile and value their diversity.
  2. Notice body language, breathing, personality style, tone, language etc.
  3. Treat the other person with respect and integrity.
  4. Practice Active Listening at all times.
  5. Ask questions gently and sensitively to show that you care about the other person.
  6. Avoid matching negative emotions – you will both feel bad.