5 Things you can do to manage yourself exceptionally well – Leading Up

The key to leading yourself is self-management.

From Today Matters: Decision making is OVERRATED. We overate what happens when we make a decision. Oh, made that decision and life’s changed. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
But decision managing is underrated. How we manage the decision we make is going to determine the success of that decision. You need the discipline to follow through DAILY on the decisions you make.

Let me share an example. Many people make a decision to diet to lose weight. Great… decision made. But the decision is just the start… it needs follow through and the daily discipline to make it work.

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5 Things you can do to manage yourself exceptionally well

  1. Manage your emotions.
    • Good leaders know when to display emotions and when to delay them.
    • Whether you display or delay your emotions should not be based on “what will make me feel better?” rather, it should be based on “what does the team need?”
    • Have you ever tip toed around someone? Poking your nose around the door to your bosses office and thinking, no not today.
  2. Manage your time.
    • Actually you cannot manage time. Time ticks on by whether you manage it or not. What you can do is manage your priorities:
  3. Manage your priorities
    • 80% of your time and work in your strengths
    • 15% of your time and work where you are learning
    • 5% of your time and work in those other necessary areas
  4. Manage your energy.
    • Beware the ABCs of Energy Drain
      • Activity without direction – Doing things that do not seem to matter.
      • Burden without action -Not being able to do things that really matter.
      • Conflict without resolution – Not being able to deal with what’s the matter.
  5. Manage your personal life.
    • Success is having those closest to me, love and respect me the most.