Leadership: Disappointed To The Core | Lolly Daskal

Do you ever face disappointment? Of course you do.

Disappointment is like taking a long lonely walk down a long corridor, and the door at the very end is bolted.

Lolly Daskal shares the 8Rs of how we, as leaders, must respond:

It’s far more likely that they have been disappointed. We get disappointed when… People say they are there for you but are not. People you thought you could trust let you down.

  • Respond
  • Reevaluate.
  • Review.
  • Remain.
  • Recover.
  • Rejoin.
  • Reject.
  • Remember

There will always be people and events that will let us down, and when that happens it can shake us to the core

Letting go of disappointment can be challenging but is a sign of true healing

Image courtesy of lollydaskal.com