Local and international research has found that there are eight key drivers that can improve the productivity, efficiency and profitability of any business. They are:
- Creating a productive work culture based on shared values. Positive relationships between staff, teams and managers are the foundation of improving workplace productivity.
- Shared Goals and Vision. Productive organizations know where they are going, what they will achieve and how everyone in the organization contributes to achievement and success.
- Show positive attitude and superior alignment. The skills and knowledge of people are a company’s biggest asset. To put it simply what people know and can do is the difference between success and failure. Making sure that the right resources are optimally used creates profitability. The attitude that people show each day radically impacts an organizations ability to align their resources effectively and efficiently.
- Influencing, networking and collaboration. Productive workplaces keep abreast of new ideas and technologies and network regularly with others. Effectively influencing stakeholders is key to revenue, collaborations and overall business success.
- Nature of leadership and management. Research shows leadership needs to be developed at every level of an organisation, not just amongst managers. The flexibility of individual leadership style is the difference between an engaged or involved workforce and a high-stress, low morale, ‘jobsworth’ inefficiency.
- 6. Outcomes and tactics. Productive workplaces have structures, systems and processes that are well-organised and adaptable. Successful organizations find the optimum balance of (urgent) tasks and (important) goals.
- Learning and Review. The organisation that continually learns and shares is agile, flexible and successful.
- Measuring what matters. Productive workplaces understand and measure the things that make the biggest difference to their business, whether it’s customer satisfaction, employee morale or feedback from suppliers. These indicators make it easy for everyone to share goals and work towards them.
All of these drivers are the responsibility of the organisation’s leadership. At CELSIM, we have more than 20 years experience in developing targeted development for individuals that impacts the organization.
In designing appropriate development interventions, our approach is to uncover the needs of the organization in the business environment, and the personal development needs of the individuals.
Finding the best balance that addresses these needs within your budget and your timeframe results in an effective solution.
Our paradigm is experiential learning because this accelerates the learning process and enhances immediate, sustained business impact.
You are invited to undertake the GAINMORETM DNA (Development Needs Analysis) for your organization to help understand the most pressing business development needs. We will then follow up with you to recommend an approach that will make you and your organization more successful.
Contact us to start driving your profitability forward.
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